• author
    • Bandesnaci

    • 27 February, 2013 in Events

    Coming soon: “Code Control” Max festival in Leicester

    We’ve been invited to cover the Code Control festival, hosted by the Phoenix Arts Center in Leicester, UK on March 23rd and 24th. The whole thing’s organized in collaboration with Cycling ’74, so there’s more than a good chance that every installation, performance and talk will have something to do with Max or M4L. There’s also a 2000£ “Catalyst Award” (best Max-based performance/installation to be submitted to the festival), the winners of which have already been picked, although their names are to be revealed during the festival (and which we’ll also be interviewing).

    The Phoenix Arts Center cinema.       Image courtesy of code-control.com

    The Phoenix Arts Center cinema. Image courtesy of Code Control

    The festival’s purpose is for “artists, musicians, students and teachers to explore software which enables the development of unique sounds, stunning visuals and engaging interactive media,” as the official press release states. Which is basically also kinda the idea behind this website, so we’re very happy to be part of such an event! There have been dozens of submissions for to the festival for the Catalyst Award, and the installations that are to be shown range from  (our very own friend) Julien Bayle’s minimal 1111 installation to granular synthesis-based performances and wokshops on Max-based visuals, so it’s all bound to be exciting!